
Showing posts from May, 2007

Social Responsibility Gene

Julia Roberts declares that she would be pleased to smell like a French Fry if thats the price she has to pay to drive an eco-friendly vegetable oil run vehicle. And Richard Gere is kissing beautiful women to create awareness about HIV and AIDS. Watching a recent and highly popular talk show, i realised that all of filmdom and stardom are passionately involved in social causes. Of which, some are actually doing some serious good. Social Responsibility, therefore, is really Celebrity Responsibility. After all, they are the ones with all the brains and power and knowledge and higher understanding of things....or are they? My aunt is not a celebrity. She fearlessly knocks on doors of people in her neighbourhood who waste water either by letting their pumps run relentlessly or leaving taps on etc., and speaks to them for an hour (or less, if the door is slammed on her, which it often is) about how people across the world dont get fresh water and how fossil fuel is used to generate the e...