Sanjay Van- ek prem kahani
The romance began when I was working in an organisation in Qutub
Institutional Area. And to put it mildly, the boss of the place, and my boss,
is possibly the worst person [not just boss] in the world. So post one of those
irrational screaming bouts, I simply ran out into this forest. And just ran and
ran till I finally slowed down. Then I stopped. And sat. Sanjay van and I
became friends for life.
There are many mazhars inside and my favourite one is next
to the 11th centure Lal Kot walls. These walls are touristy and many
people come there to catch the sunset and click selfies. I like to sit at the
mazhar under it and watch the sun go down. Quietly.
I have celebrated birthdays here and grieved over death of
loved ones. I have got lost for hours with a friend and freaked out as we heard
jackals calling, as it grew dark. I have
done birding, joking, rock climbing and general gallivanting, inside this
forest, for years now. And I look forward to many more years of ‘foresting’ in
my very own Sanjay Van.