How to plant a tree
Every world earth / environment day, people arrive in droves, to plant trees. It is a picnic. Photos are clicked - selfies with saplings are a rage. The saplings of course, die of thirst, the very next day. Also sometimes, ‘wrong’ trees get planted – which do not belong to the region and do a range of environment damaging things – from dying themselves to killing plants around. So this World Environment Day – June 5, follow these ‘Easy Steps to Planting Trees- which do not die or kill you’. 1. Select a spot close to home/place of work. That way you can water the sapling and see it grow (a most satisfying experience). 2. Find an indigenous tree. You can go to a government nursery and ask the gardeners there to help you. They are very happy to chat if you catch them in the slim windows between their morning, afternoon and evening breaks. But they know trees. 3. ...