Getting Unpopular-Part 3
Elections are over and we can discuss it till the cows come home. We won’t be able to influence its results now. We can also not influence the results of the World Cup. It’s World Environment Day and this year’s theme is Air Pollution. And girl, do we influence that in every action we take. As established in earlier parts of the ‘Get Unpopular’ Series , readers of this page are already very green. It’s the others we struggle with. It’s Delhi. And we LOVE big, diesel guzzling, smog creating cars. I have known CEOs, to have parked their Jags at home, and take the Mighty and Fantastic Delhi Metro. While, I could be a school-dropout, white-goods smuggler and drive a really big car. Also, we love shopping. Unmindful of the energy waste during production and pollution, when carelessly discarded. Here are my very unpopular ways, to out-show-off the Big Car riders and Shopaholics. 1. ...