Dancing with the Birds- an e-guide to dating
Sir Attenborough can’t be in all the wildlife films in the world, so this one has Stephen Fry. The dry humour and crisp tones intact. This film, available on Netflix, is 51 minutes of colour and sheer beauty. The storyline is simple. How do you get yourself a mate? Feathered beauties of tropical rain forests, show you how. And HOW. Technique 1: Pole Dance. The 12-wired Bird of Paradise of New Guinea, sits patiently on his pole, waiting to display his dancing skills to a prospective mate. He is already quite a looker, with unique 12 wire-like filaments emerging from his wings. The moment a female shows some interest, even in passing, he whips his filaments about and does the most impressive pole dance that you will ever see. The female watches in awe and enjoys getting a couple of whacks from the wires – or maybe they are caresses. Technique 2: Team work . Lance Tailed Manakins of South American forests, work in pairs. The ‘wingman’ (pun intended) does a series of vertical ho...